Iconic DC Lincoln Memorial Surprise Proposal


The Lincoln Memorial is one of the most popular locations for a surprise proposal in Washington DC! Out of over 300 surprise proposals we’ve photographed, dozens have been at the Lincoln! It was the perfect DC view of the Washington Monument, Capitol, and Reflecting Pool! We have perfected our technique to get the perfect proposal photos here!

Lincoln Memorial Surprise Proposal
Best DC Proposal Photographer
Lincoln Memorial Engagement Photos
Best DC Surprise Proposal Photographer
DC Reflecting Pool Engagement Photos

Learn more about planning a surprise proposal in DC using the contact form or emailing jonflemingphotography@gmail.com

Surprise Proposal Photography includes detailed planning & advice, photography session to capture the proposal moment, portraits afterwards, and your online gallery of your beautifully processed high-resolution images delivered in 7 days. The online gallery is easy to share with friends and family! 

We also offer pre-designed and custom setups to make your moment extra special! 


Washington DC Meridian Hill Park Surprise Proposal


5 things you need to know for your surprise proposal in Washington DC