5 tips for planning a surprise proposal


Here are 5 tips for planning a surprise proposal!

5 tips for planning a surprise proposal
  1. Consider the location. Choose a location that is special and meaningful to both of you. It could be a place you first met, had your first date, or a place that holds sentimental value.

  2. Plan for any contingencies. Think about potential problems that could arise and come up with a plan to address them. For example, if you're proposing outdoors and it starts raining, have a backup plan in place.

  3. Keep it a surprise. This is a crucial aspect of a surprise proposal, so be sure to keep it a secret. Don't tell anyone, not even close friends or family, until after the proposal has taken place.

  4. Practice what you'll say. While it's okay to be nervous, it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to say during the proposal. Practice what you'll say in advance so that you're prepared when the time comes.

  5. Make it personal. A surprise proposal is a special moment that is all about the two of you, so be sure to personalize the experience as much as possible. Consider incorporating elements of your relationship or things that are meaningful to both of you.

5 tips for planning a surprise proposal

Learn more about planning a surprise proposal in Washington. DC using the contact form or emailing jonflemingphotography@gmail.com

Surprise Proposal Photography includes detailed planning & advice, photography session to capture the proposal moment, portraits afterwards, and your online gallery of your beautifully processed high-resolution images delivered in 3 days. Highlight images delivered within 24 hours. The online gallery is easy to share with friends and family! 

We also offer pre-designed and custom setups to make your moment extra special! 


Where to Propose in Philadelphia


Philadelphia Addison Street Surprise Proposal